I am a proud graduate of Computer Science with a major in Cybersecurity, driven by an unwavering passion for technology and an enthusiasm for learning and exploration. I look forward with excitement to applying my skills in the solving of real-world problems and building complex systems, which has stimulated a special interest in pursuing a challenging and rewarding career in Software Engineering. I am well-equipped with programming experience in Python, Java, JavaScript, and C++ and deep knowledge of cybersecurity principles that include application security best practices to enable the creation of efficient and secure software solutions.|
Edibi is a restaurant application (SaaS) that supports both customer reservation and delivery process.
A Research Conference Management System for Research Papers. This application implements the CRUD methodology with B-C-E architecture.
NodeJS (Express Framework), MySQL, HTML, CSS
An Intrusion Detection System (IDS) that monitors number of events, analyzes events, and produces alerts based on the anomaly threshold.
This system provides Students and Lecturers with various academic related functions and multitudes of useful academic information in real-time.
PHP, Apache, MySQL